Minh Tam (2 years old)
Tam attended Prenatal, Baby, and Infant lessons at Shichida Vietnam.
Her mother writes,
"Tam started studying at Shichida Vietnam when she was eighteen weeks old in my belly.
She received lots of love at our Prenatal lessons and came for her first Center lesson twenty days after she was born. She is still attending lessons now.
Tam is an active, smart, and joyful little girl who is good at language. Following the Center's instruction, we read to her before bedtime and study with the teaching materials. As a result, Tam answers many questions well and even replies with her own interesting questions!
It seems that she enjoys exploring and learning through asking questions.
In addition, her memory is so well developed that she memorizes most of the poems and sayings in her picture book stories. She also likes to sing, and she has a rich knowledge of music."
"Despite recently turning two, Tam is such a confident little girl who greets everyone, even strangers.
She also enjoys walking, climbing, and hanging from a horizontal bar. Her physical aspects are developing well, including her arm strength!
Thanks to Shichida Method Education, my daughter is growing wonderfully in all aspects (emotional, physical, and intellectual).
We know that you work very hard on a daily basis to draw out wonderful results in children.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Shichida Center for being a part of our parenting journey."
This letter from Tam's mother was a great encouragement to us. Alongside her loving parents, we hope to continue to watch over Tam's healthy growth.