For a period of time after I delivered my second baby, I only focused on taking care of my small baby. So, I did not have much time for Minh. Suddenly Minh changed his personality in an unusual way. He always wanted us to pay attention to him and hold him in our own arms.
Minh was very shy and communicated awkwardly. When I took him to my hometown, Minh seemed uncomfortable in the new environment and many people said that Minh was too shy. At that time, I felt very guilty. I did not know how to help him be more intelligent or have a strong sense of security. Therefore, I sent a message to Shichida Educational Institute to ask for help. Shichida is based on the following educational method - Love Education. It taught me to be more confident in the following ways:
1. Spending more time playing with Minh so that he could feel that we, his parents, always love him. Then, he will be more confident to discover the world.
2. The birth of a younger sibling was a big deal to Minh. Therefore, we had to balance the time we spend caring for both Minh and his younger baby. We need to explain to him that his role is a big brother but that we will always love both of them. I should cuddle Minh in the same way I cuddle his younger brother to let him know there is no change in the love we feel for him.
Based on this advice, dad and mom tried to spend more time on caring Minh although we were very busy. After a short period, Minh changed his personality significantly. He really loves his younger baby and shares his toys for his baby.
Testimonial at Age 2.5