On December 5, 2020, Shichida China held its annual student results presentation in Beijing! This year, only 100 children ...[more]
"The important thing in education is not to cram knowledge, but to develop children's minds and draw out their ...[more]
With the cooperation of the organization, Support for Cambodian Health, Education and Communities (SCHEC), donations from SEI fundraising activities ...[more]
The Shichida Method provides children with an age-appropriate education and seeks to draw out their innate abilities, while nurturing ...[more]
Shichida Centers won first place awards in the three categories in the "IID Awards 2020 Customer Satisfaction Survey for ...[more]
Although the Covid-19 pandemic is still impacting our lives, lessons have started up again in some countries! While taking everyone's ...[more]
On June 15, 2020, a new Shichida Center opened in Phitsanulok Province, in Northern Thailand. This is the first ...[more]
There is currently an outbreak of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/2019-nCoV). The situation has prompted certain national governments and organizations to ...[more]
On Monday, March 16, 2020, Shichida Educational Institute’s Tokyo Office opened in the Ginza district, moving from its previous ...[more]
Last year, Shichida Australia celebrated its tenth anniversary. In commemoration of this event, they held 10th Anniversary Concerts in ...[more]
Shichida Myanmar held their annual Awards Ceremony on December 1, 2019 at their Mandalay Center and on December 15, ...[more]